Last Saturday (the same day as the ASC's grand opening) I also found out that I no longer work at Bound'ry. And neither does anyone else. That's right--the Bound'ry is closed until further notice. Apparently one of the partial owners of the high-class eatery had a severe conflict of interest with management, and in response hauled all of HIS cooking equipment (grills, ovens, etc.) out of the kitchen. He gave everyone three days notice.
The official word is that the restaurant is undergoing renovations, which is partially true. The general manager asked employees to put their names and email addresses on a contact list if they were willing to work on the manual labor of reconstructing the kitchen area. It has been rumored that we will be back up and running in four to six weeks (just in time for me to be back in school and unemployable), but the estimates of those in the know have been slightly longer.
I am very grateful that I have a day job to fall back on. The people whose sole livelihood depended on the Bound'ry--the chefs and servers especially, since many supported families through that income--have been taking it very hard; really though all employees are duly feeling the harm done by this loss.