Sunday, September 14, 2008

Linoleum Cut #1

This is a relief I did for my printmaking class. It was the first time I'd used linoleum, so I had to get accustomed to the texture. The assignment was to illustrate a story from our family history. This is Simon,* a relative who suffered from a series of schizophrenic attacks several years ago. I really wanted to express both the frightened mania felt by victims of this condition, as well as the pain it causes family members who must helplessly watch a mind self-destruct.

*Name changed

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Tragic Divorce Proceedings of Mortimer G. Rabbit and Margaret L. Tree

Using discontinuous lines/abstract shapes to express mood is something I think I will probably be doing for the rest of my life. It is just that fun. Not only does this poor bunny have a destroyed home on his paws, now there are a bunch of right angles flying through the air that he has to worry with as well. WILL THESE TORMENTS NEVER CEASE?

A note on Tilly: I am indeed putting off my work on Tilly until fall break. I need large chunks of time to work on this project, and school gives me room only to do brief sketches such as the one above.