Saturday, September 15, 2007

Heypenny 9/9/07

Although they've been together for only three months, the band's debut CD Use These Spoons sports infectious pool-side guitar pop that arrives at sometimes surprising complexity. The melody-driven falsettos manage to make even their angriest lyrics sound glad. By the third song of the night, it was clear that the flavorful idiosyncrasies of their music were not just the result of lucky electronica programming. Even with their absent percussionist replaced by a drum machine and cowbell, the live show brought out their bouncy stage personalities. Keyboardist Ben Elkins, who has been playing violin since he was two-and-a-half, said he plans on sending the music in a "less organic, more Michael Jackson-ish" direction with Heypenny's current project. "Innocent and boyish," as bassist DJ Murphy described his music, Heypenny is an indie band that despite their age certainly has a record deal in their near future.

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