Saturday, March 15, 2008

Transcendence through dance

Hello all. Sorry I do not have a picture for you today.

Having participated in MOSAIC myself as a high school senior last year, I decided to sign up to host a visiting student in my room for three nights this weekend. Thursday I met Justin, a prospective student from Florida, at the Student Life Center, and I helped him carry his stuff back to my room. He asked to come to my morning class on Friday, so I introduced him to my astronomy professor. He seems like a pretty cool guy. However, it is right now 4am, and I have no idea where he is sleeping tonight; it is apparently not in a sleeping bag in my room. I'm not sure if this makes me a bad MOSAIC-er. I did sort of abandon him this evening when I went to din-din and I did sort of imply that he wouldn't actually get in trouble if he decided to party somewhere tonight.

Speaking of parties...

I went to a club tonight, which is something I have not done in quite some time. Or possibly ever. At least not a dance-appreciation club. Now when I say "club" I do not mean one of those plywood treehouses with NO GIRLS ALLOWED signs posted beside their non-existent doors. This club highly supported women joining their ranks, often encouraging them to "make some damn noise" in appreciation of the master of ceremony's musical tastes. This club excludes instead people under eighteen and those who do not have driver's licenses.

"Fuel," as this club was called, did not sell gasoline or any automobile related-products, in fact. Nearly all the men, I noticed, used hair products. The light was dim. I could not suppress the urge to dance. At the end of the night, several half-naked men climbed onto the stage to flaunt their pot bellies and blood alcohol content. This means I had a pretty good night. Thank you Beta Chi Theta; in gratitude, I promise that I will stop pronouncing your middle name like "chai."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.