I have found that I am letting myself get more and more riled up by politics these days, so I have recently tried to direct some of that agitation into something constructive. Thus, a political cartoon. I am going to have to practice drawing Barack Obama a lot more before I can start doing cartoons about national politics. I've got Generic Terrorist Guy under control, and I'm still working on George Bush.
My first ever political cartoon (in case you were wondering, because I know you were) I made about eight years ago regarding the 2000 election controversy. I will probably never see it again, because I made it when I was ten. Just thought I'd let you know that I have experience in this kind of work.
In other news
Also at work today, I decided that my office is pretty vulnerable to a zombie attack. I do my work on the second floor, but zombies have been shown to have little difficulty climbing stairs. My potential weapons arsenal includes:
a)The miniature flag I have of Hong Kong beside my desk (don't ask me why it is there, it just is).
--This would have to be a pretty close-proximity weapon, and if I didn't jam into the zombie's skull at exactly the right place to penetrate the brain, I would be boned.
b)My telephone with all the fancy features
--This is fairly heavy and would probably do damage if there were only one zombie. However I fear that flailing it around would cause the part you hold to your face to get tangled up somewhere, thus making use of the heavy base really inconvenient.
c)The keyboard to my computer
--This is the one I finally decided on because it has the greatest combination of mobility and weight. If I yanked it up real quick and it did not easily detach from my PC tower, I would be toast, but when zombies attack, you sometimes have to take risks.
I like the political cartoon, but I am sad about the situation that inspired it.
If you used the flag to stab the zombie really hard in the eye, that would probably work. And there might be a way to disconnect the phone receiver from the base, so then you would have two weapons. But I don't know how much damage you could do with a keyboard... it doesn't really seem like it would have enough heft, you know?
In the clutch, the keyboard or telephone would probably be the quickest option. If I thought I had enough time, I might try to unscrew my monitor, which is probably the heaviest thing nearby that I could wield. But I don't know how many poor office schmucks have been reduced to brain buffet trays because they thought they had enough time to perform fine motor operations.
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