So tonight I have officially reached my halfway point for the project I alluded to last blog post (yes, only halfway; give me a break I am working two jobs). I was looking at some of the panels that I will not be able to use in the finished product and decided this one would be good for a for-fun promo. The working title is
Tilly (not be confused with Leo
Lionni's Tillie and the Wall), and the pages will be 6" x 12." Right now the plan is 60 pages, but I have been consistently trimming that number down since I finished the script at the end of June. I have been going for a rather simplistic art style using cut-out shapes, but avoiding the flat South Park-y feel by mixing watercolor, acrylic, and
india ink. Don't worry the typography will DEFINITELY not look this crummy upon completion.
Additionally, some fiction blurbs:
Bone by Jeff Smith
--Currently working through this, and I can't put it down. Smith spent about 13 years of his life inking this graphic epic novel, and his storytelling is superb. It is about three cousins exiled from their rural village and forced to question the nature of dream and reality to battle an evil monarch.
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn
--A bizarre story of a carnival family's grotesque and glorious self-destruction. Born a mutant in a family of mutants, the main character deals with gender roles, the nature of chance, and conceptions of the self through a life that puts the insidious ahead of the wholesome in the name of family unity.
The Great Divorce by C.S Lewis
--A short novel giving an fanciful interpretation of the afterlife, a topic that seems rather important to
Lewisian Christianity. I couldn't buy into all the points he raised, but the descriptions of heaven and hell were refreshing and interesting.