Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Books: The ballasts of our lives

Haha! Because I am so smart, and because I am so clever, I have waited until the last minute to start packing all of my belongings into cardboard boxes. I am scheduled to move into Vanderbilt either today or tomorrow because I am doing a week-long community service project with the campus recycling group before classes start. I have put in my two weeks notice at the Bound'ry, and am now in the process of remembering how heavy my possessions really are.

One of my coworkers took me to the sketchiest bar in all of Davidson county for my birthday, where I had a conversation with a stranger about the right way to lay electric wiring. Luckily, Michael rescued me by calling on the telephone to wish me happy birthday, which gave me an excuse to abscond after thirty minutes or so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait, did I miss your birthday? ... I fail at friendship. T_T