It felt great to see my family again. The home cooking alone was worth the tank of gas I had to buy. I gave my little brother Camus's the Stranger to read as a present (He's an atheist now), and chatted with my mother until the wee hours. I slept last night like I hadn't slept all week.
Today's project is to install another version of Linux on my notebook. (Switching form Xubuntu to Linux Mint). Does it make me a dork that I'm doing this to relax? Probably, but it's also not nearly as bad as it sounds, I assure you.
While my system compiles, I'll be refining my course schedule for the next three years (a double major is not beyond reach), honing my skills with an ink pen, and pretending I don't have class in 40 hrs.
The point is I'm home, doing things that I enjoy, and minimizing stress. Callooh Callay!
In this picture, the quintessence of my home town. From a photo essay I did about a year ago.
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